Page 5 - demo ksiazki
P. 5

Test I                                                                                       Test I

       Zadanie 2. (0–4)

      Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat zachowywania higieny. Na podstawie informacji
      zawartych w nagraniu dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1–2.4) odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E).
      Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.

      Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

      A. The speaker knows his behaviour is not very ecological but doesn`t want to change it.
      B. The person would love to have a shower in the morning more often but has no time for it.

      C. This person is not crazy about washing himself and thinks some of his friends are.
      D. The speaker doesn`t wash more often than once a week due to ecology.

      E. Clean clothes seem to be more important for the person than having a shower every day.

                                         2.1        2.2         2.3        2.4

      2.1  My friend`s recently asked me how often I have a shower. A strange question, isn`t it? But I don`t mind an-
         swering it. I don`t have a very active lifestyle. I don`t do a lot of physical stuff apart from PE lessons and
         walking to school and home. I don`t get close physically to people, it`s just not my style. So I only shower
         about twice a week, sometimes less. I know some people might be horrified, but I know what I do. I just
         don`t need more washing in my life. I can reassure you I don`t smell because I have a couple of friends who
         would definitely tell me if I do (laugh). I can smell myself and I know when my hair, for example, needs wa-
         shing. Then I wash it. But I`m not obsessed with washing and cleaning myself like a lot of my friends.

      2.2  Frankly speaking, I don`t understand people who don`t shower every day. There`s no water shortage in our
         country, is there? It`s not recommended to use less water so I usually have a shower twice a day, in the mor-
         ning and in the afternoon. When it`s boiling outside I need to shower more often. I don`t usually think
         about it. It`s just a routine activity. Once my friend told me it`s not ecological to wash yourself so often and
         then I started thinking about it in a different way, but I haven`t changed anything in my behaviour. I like
         being clean and I find it pretty normal. I think everyone wants to smell good and feel fresh.

      2.3  I usually have one shower a day, but my habits vary depending on what I`m going to do in the evening. When
         I go out, which I don`t very often, I take another shower after I come back from school. For me it`s not a very
         bad thing to miss a wash in a day. For example today I didn`t have a shower in the morning because I over-
         slept and I was in a hurry leaving my house. I don`t want to waste more time in the afternoon to wash myself,
         I`ll just have my normal shower tomorrow. It`ll be OK for me. I think I don`t smell (laugh) and my clothes are
         clean every day. I never wear clothes twice. They are always clean and ironed. I don`t like being scruffy.

      2.4  When it`s hot I sometimes use a baby wipe do give myself a bit of fresh feeling but normally I shower in the
         evening only. I like feeling fresh in the morning and it perfectly wakes me up but I hardly ever have time to
         spend 20 minutes in the bathroom. I love feeling fresh and clean. I`m not crazy about it, it`s just my little
         pleasure in life. For me there`s nothing like having a lovely shower, smelling fresh and getting into freshly
         washed sheets. Once I had a friend who obviously didn`t shower more than once a week and believe me, it
         was not nice to sit in one desk with him.

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