Page 6 - demo ksiazki
P. 6

Exercises –

        1. Put the sentences in right order. / Ułóż zdania w odpowiedniej

                One morning Robin Hood went for a stroll and
                arrived to a stream.
            2   They started to fight and Robin Hood fell into the water.

                The stranger was called Little John and he became
                a member of the band.
                Robin Hood and his Merry Men band used caverns
                as a hiding place.
                After the fight they became friends and the Merry
            5   Men band joined them.

                On the bridge he met an enormous man who didn’t
                want to go back.
                They were robbing reach people and giving money
                to the poor.

        2. True or false? / Prawda czy fałsz?
                                                           True    False

           Robin Hood was robbing the poor and giving
           money to the rich people.
           The Merry Men used only bows and arrows.
           One morning Robin Hood met on the bridge
           his friend, the Little John.
           After the fight Robin Hood fell into the water.
           Little John didn’t know that his new friend
           was a famous hero.
           Little John didn’t accept to become a member
           of the band.
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